Spring Postponed

Well, it's March 21st. Typically, northern Virginia would have Forsythia blooms and cherry blossoms in full supply. Instead we have about a foot of snow and its still coming down.

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Normally, we'd be planting our spring early crops like lettuces, kales, carrots, and peas. But alas, we are not. Instead we are on our second consecutive snow day. I have drawn adorable little diagrams in a newly dedicated Moleskine notebook, carefully allocating space for each vegetable. I really love these hardcover notebooks. (I also have the cookbook version for my favorite recipes.) In addition to my garden diagrams, I'll put the varieties of each vegetable we grew and notes on how they performed. So if the Mortgage Lifter tomatoes do diddly squat this year, I will remember that next year and will choose a different variety. Before I create my adorable little diagrams in my notebook, I make a diagram with sticky notes so that I can reposition and rearrange endlessly. Adorably Grown, another blogger I follow, uses this method and well, I must say its rather clever. 

I've also planned our summer and fall crops too. We've also planned on how to add additional raised bed space inside our fenced garden area. We have a 7-foot tall fence that surrounds our garden area. Why you ask? The deer and bunnies will eat every single thing. While I love to watch the wildlife from my kitchen window, I also like to eat what I grow. Thus, a tall, tall fence. Even with lots of research in the Southern Exposure Seed Exchange catalog, that took all of 3 hours. 

I've caught up on the laundry (for now). I've gone through an endless pile of clothes that we no longer wear and posted most for sale on Poshmark. I must admit I love the simplicity of Poshmark. They take their fee at the time of the sale as a percentage of the sale, so you're not getting an invoice two months later (looking at you eBay). Poshmark emails you a USPS shipping label and voila!, extra cash is in your account after you ship it and the buyer receives it. So far this month, I've made about $350 selling things that I no longer use. Want to try Poshmark for yourself? Download the app and use code LEE5451 to get a $5 credit. 

I've painted two pieces to go in our bedroom near our night stands. Then, I mended my favorite pair of Smartwool Merino 150 base layers that I've had for 5 years. They're just so soft I can't bare to replace them yet. Trey and I had a call with our financial advisor to reorganize some accounts and make some plans. I did some reorganization on my website that now includes a fully functioning search bar. Yay!

The birds provided hours of entertainment for the camera and well, let's just say I'm not going to spend 6 years to get the perfect shot. And the highlight of the past two days goes to Roomba. He learned to dock himself after vacuuming.